All seniors concerned ought to pay attention to matters which affect a common person the most.
If officers can find time to travel officially for several tours inside and outside Puducherry, and India, surely they can do so for issues pending which concern ordinary people.
Records of these deficiencies have been kept in your respective files and may get reflected in the annual appraisals due shortly.
Certainly in those where I am directly the accepting authority. And also in others as a record in their files. For information for future recall. Please do not take me lightly.
I am sorry to note some of you are not getting the grasp over the situation.
For whatever reasons. Some visible some known only to you.
You are delaying required field work.
And visiting your problems.
And also resolving them or seen to be.
All of my ninety weekend morning rounds are evidence of your performance or non performance and will be taken into account when reviewing your work.
You have another year ahead hopefully with me.
Kindly make amends.
You do not have a choice with me my friends.
It is my duty to distinguish performance from non performance. Or else I shall be unfair to those who did do against all kinds of odds.
I have been telling you this directly or indirectly. Some took it seriously some are still taking chances.
Such like deficient services do not do good to respect in governance.
All seniors concerned ought to pay attention to these.
If they can find time to travel officially for several tours inside and outside Puducherry, and India, surely they can do so for issues pending which concern ordinary people.
Records of these deficiencies have been kept in your respective files and may get reflected in the annual appraisals due shortly.
Certainly in those where I am directly the accepting authority. And also in others as a record in their files. For information for future recall. Please do not take me lightly.
I am sorry to note some of you are not getting the grasp over the situation.
For whatever reasons. Some visible some known only to you.
You are delaying required field work.
And visiting your problems.
And also resolving them or seen to be.
All of my ninety weekend morning rounds are evidence of your performance or non performance and will be taken into account when reviewing your work.
You have another year ahead hopefully with me.
Kindly make amends.
You do not have a choice with me my friends.
It is my duty to distinguish performance from non performance. Or else I shall be unfair to those who did do against all kinds of odds.
I have been telling you this directly or indirectly. Some took it seriously some are still taking chances.
The choice is yours.
The above pointed deficiency in service is just one instance. It's become a tipping point.
This one was pending and concerned had assured it to be corrected.
Yet no system worthwhile was found in place. When simple things were possible without financial investments.
I have seen by now far took many in my last one year of working with you.
Hence make no mistake. Unless individuals concerned improve considerably, you alone shall be responsible for your reports which will stay with you forever.
No amount of your defence will work because it shall be based on my direct inspections or visits too.
I wish you all well. Please cooperate and get out of comfort zones.
Public service demands sacrifice of personal time as well. Which is why you came into it in the first place.
Just recall...
Kiran Bedi.