
Saturday, February 16, 2019

An open letter for the Puducherrians.

Last two and half years RajNivas has tried to work for the betterment of Puducherry, to make it cleaner, safer, greener, healthier and water rich for agriculture, drinking water and sanitation and more.
At times this was resisted by certain vested interests, yet we persued it for the benefit of Puducherry as a whole.
Efforts were also made to strictly work within the allocated budgets passed by the Legislative Assembly so that we do not borrow more (within limits) which shall have to be payed back by our children after some years.
We, used all moneys correctly for the poor and never allowed any diversion.
We were supported the Chief Secretary and the Finance Secretary in doing so.
However where there is no money allocated where do we give from?
We had to raise donation support in kind for filling up irrigation channels for our farmers, cleaning drains to prevent flooding, or else the poor in low lying areas would have lost their belongings, meet women’s and school children’s needs, like computers, stationery, story books, footwear, insurance policies for poor people and even their recreation .
We raised rewards and medical checks-up for the deserving poor women in sanitation work. All were gifted with sarees by traders and donors.

( All by raising resources in kind not provided for in our budgets. )

Rajnivas has worked closely both with people in rural and urban areas.
All weekends mornings, by now 216 weekends were spent with them looking at their grievances and resolving them.
We thank people of Puducherry for the respect and regard they given me personally.
We have also tried to ensure that money meant for the poor and needy is not diverted. And whatever is available be correctly used.
We have actually prevented diversion of funds. After a long time staff in Tourism corporation have receives over one Crore of rupees of their provident funds saved because of our proper financial  administration. This has benefitted the lower classes the most. Or else perhaps they would have never ever got.
Also gratuity for ATF without work for so long , and others will be given their gratuity because we had saved their moneys from grant in aid.
We are bound by Grant in aid financial rules which were being violated all along and now stopped.( it is this which has disturbed the CM the most).
I wish to point out that because of the good administration of CS, FS and Lt Governor Office, money’s were saved to give the poor rice or else some portion of it could have been diverted. Details are not known to public. But can be made public in case need arises.
Friends many things we do silently and does not come to public notice. As we do not hold every weekend press conferences.
However I am open to discuss all issues in an open public forum where HCM, his cabinet colleagues and members of the public are present along with Chief Secretary and the Finance Secretary and others on financial issues raised by any one to inform the common people how we have carefully worked to save money for the poor, be it for rice, wages of AFT or Swadeshi Mills, Sugar Mills etc. and Even on issues of road safety due to large number of fatalities. It is to save a common man’s earning member of the family dying by road accident. 

More later.

Look forward to our meeting with HCM and his cabinet colleagues and our concerned secretaries on Feb 21 at 10 AM. Hopefully by then the road will be cleared for public use.
I apologise for all inconvenience caused to you all by road blocks, and mournful drums beaten at night in and around the RajNivas. Those drums have been seized now. But the main Raj Nivas Road is still not Open.