Know this law and prevent distress.
It is interesting, how nature, at times, conspires. As I was developing this current piece of work, a young woman by the name of Rashmi came to see me. She presented me with her about-to-be- released, newly published book, 'Woman of Elements'. Rashmi and I had met earlier too, when she had come with the suggestion that I write the preface of the book.
But this meeting was different. I asked her the thought behind this book. She said –sufferings out of Domestic Violence: I asked, ‘who’? She said, ‘she’. I was taken aback. This is exactly what I was planning to write so that people understand the essence of the new law on domestic violence, before they rely on hearsay.
Let me tell you what Rashmi told me.(with her permission).
“ Mrs Bedi, I woke up this morning, switched on music, drank a cup of tea, read the paper, tickled my son to wake him up and hugged my daughter awake. It was a beautiful morning – my everyday morning.
But it wasn’t so for 10 years of my life – when I would wake up in cold sweat wondering what anger, what abuse, what violence I would have to face during the day. I wore full-sleeves and Chinese collars for 10 years to hide the bruises I carried on my body.
Mine was an arranged marriage – I had been working as an advertising professional for 2-3 years prior to that. But violence against women cuts across the boundaries of class and social strata. Our biggest drawback as women is that when abuse takes place against us, we do not speak up about it. We hide behind “acceptability” “decency”. We shrivel up in silence.
I did not even tell my family, not for 5 years. My daughter was 4 when I first went back to my parents – with a broken rib and a smashed face. Not the first instance of violence – it was a common occurrence for me – but that was the first time that I sensed a need in myself to get out of this vile situation. But my husband came to my family – wept, begged, pleaded. And I went back. And I had a second child. My husband gloated, “Now you can never leave”. And the violence escalated.
I had a mother-in-law in the house, but she added to the problems, “ma-baap toh pait kaat kar apnee betiyon ko dete hain”, “biwiyon ko to property aur paison ke baarey mein kuch batana nahin chahiye” etc. Strange words coming from a woman who completely controlled the purse-strings of the family. And when faced with the violence meted out to me, she would respond with, “Toh kya hua? Jo tumhari kismet”.
I had been given an empty floor in this large house in a posh south-Delhi colony, with the not-so-posh words, “hamaari families mein to ladki-waalon se sab kuch aata hai”. So I worked – took up short projects and assignments and tried to build up a home – along with its furniture and everything else that came along with it. From the curtains to the carpets, everything came from my earnings. He did not pay for even a glass.
As time went on and his violence and womanizing got worse, it started telling on the children. My daughter, a brilliant little girl, became quiet and withdrawn. My son completely went into a shell. He would not speak – he would go into his own world when confronted with loud voices. He was put into the special needs section at the school that he was attending – not because he had any learning disability, but because of his emotional problems.
I did not want to live anymore. I had died enough everyday.
Then I looked at my children, and wondered, if I die, what would happen to them? I knew then that I would fight for my life and of my children. I somehow picked up courage and decided to leave with both my kids for my grandmother's house. I earned my freedom after a very bitter and expensive struggle.
Today I am a woman of all elements i.e. Air, Water, Fire and Earth, who picked herself from ashes to rebuild along with my children..."
This is what I have to say in relation to the new Domestic Violence Act (notified few days ago). What if it had been there earlier? And Rushmi knew of it and took the courage to use it, then the husband and the mother-in-law either would have been forced to mend their ways or faced imprisonment for a whole year.
Let me explain how? Under the new law all these acts of domestic violence are specific offences, namely: physical or mental abuse for any reason; addiction, extramarital relationships, unlawful demands, harassment, threat, insult, ridicule, name calling, deprivation of economic or financial resources, alienation of assets etc.
Anyone can complain for the aggrieved woman. The Magistrate can call concerned members of the household to be heard. He can counsel, direct or punish as the case may be. It is a civil, summary proceeding. Violation of orders can call for imprisonment of one year, fine or both.
There is an essential provision for appointment of Protection Officers and NGOs as service providers. Homes could be visited for reporting or follow-ups.
Rushmi could have got protection had this law come in earlier. Her children would not have suffered as much as they did. She could have continued to stay in her own home if she wanted. Her mother-in-law too would have come under home visits of the Protection Officer. All this is the new law.
It is for women who genuinely need help. At no stage should this be used falsely by them. Magistrates and Protection officers are for justice and not pro-women and anti-men.. They are there to prevent distress.
Dear Maam,
The message conveyed here is very true and very clear. In a country like India, the law needs to be protective towards women but the question is that are the women aware on the law who have stayed far away from education. Women can help each other but what message we are conveying to the women who forget everything while burning another woman for dowry,who makes the life of another woman hell because the later has taken birth to daughters,who force another woman to be a part of prostitution.Before we educate them on law, we have to educate them on the value of womanhood.
Thank you,
Dear Maam,
The message conveyed here is very true and very clear. In a country like India, the law needs to be protective towards women but the question is that are the women aware on the law who have stayed far away from education. Women can help each other but what message we are conveying to the women who forget everything while burning another woman for dowry,who makes the life of another woman hell because the later has given birth to daughters,who force another woman to be a part of prostitution.Before we educate them on law, we have to educate them on the value of womanhood.
Thank you,
Dear Maam,
The message conveyed here is very true and very clear. In a country like India, the law needs to be protective towards women but the question is that are the women aware on the law who have stayed far away from education. Women can help each other but what message we are conveying to the women who forget everything while burning another woman for dowry,who makes the life of another woman hell because the later has given birth to daughters,who force another woman to be a part of prostitution.Before we educate them on law, we have to educate them on the value of womanhood.
Thank you,
I am just a small fan of yours.
Since childhood I have looked upon your personality for courage because it inspires not due to the fact it always carries bold words but also because it motivates the hopeless by real life examples lived as an ordinary being by you despite a political world around.
I wish to ask u a question..
Why you haven't put up that memorable pic of yours on this blog which was carried by almost all dailes long time back about a mob attack of Sikhs?
Well, to remind you (or your daughter may have been handling the blog on your behalf)....
It was some protest by Sikh youngsters and you were leading about 300 policemen. Watching police awaiting them to stop, all of them took out their Kripan (swords) and flashed it on the policemen from a distance.
Surprisingly, equipped with just batons (lathis) most of your policemen started deserting for the obvious fear of life. But..
But you remained standing like (erstwhile Queen Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi) a lady of courage and shouted back with the choicest of expletives that came to your mind at the spur of the moment to gather courage and thwart the mob.
I was just told all this by a very senior journalist colleague of mine at Asian News International. I felt thrilled to know about that incident and felt like searching for that memorable pic on the Internet.
I am disappointed that I couldn't get it. I reuest u to upload it if it is possible from your personal scrap book.
Hope it will fascinate me as much as your autobiographical book did four years back!
Sandeep Datta, Journalist
dear madam,
you are a big source of inspiration to me. i was awed at you when i saw in the seminar at Pondicherry Engineering College (Rotary Innerwheel) on 'Family values'. your speech was extremely thought-provoking.
i followed your website URL you gave to us on that day and i found you blog here.
madam, it is really very thoughtful of you to maintain a blog to keep up with this new-age.
every word that you spoke on that day is fit to etched in gold.
i wanted to ask you some questions that day, but since you had very less time, i'm asking those questions here: it safe for a girl in her early-teens to go out alone in the street after 8.00 p.m in the night? can we safe guard ourselves when we find ourselves in a tricky situation, like eve-teasing?
3.what are the essential things a girl should carry always to safeguard herself?
dear madam,
you are a big source of inspiration to me. i was awed at you when i saw in the seminar at Pondicherry Engineering College (Rotary Innerwheel) on 'Family values'. your speech was extremely thought-provoking.
i followed your website URL you gave to us on that day and i found you blog here.
madam, it is really very thoughtful of you to maintain a blog to keep up with this new-age.
every word that you spoke on that day is fit to etched in gold.
i wanted to ask you some questions that day, but since you had very less time, i'm asking those questions here: it safe for a girl in her early-teens to go out alone in the street after 8.00 p.m in the night? can we safe guard ourselves when we find ourselves in a tricky situation, like eve-teasing?
3.what are the essential things a girl should carry always to safeguard herself?
Dear Ma'am
Pleasantly surprised to see your blog. Before commenting i would like to thank you for the courage, integrity, hardword you have shown in your entire career thereby inspiring and motivating us to do the same
One of my general observation which has re- sufaced while going through this article and also while reading your biography is that - i have seen a general tendency on women folk to bear suffering on them as long as they can but when the same takes a toll on the welfare of their children that they gather all the courage and fight most vigourously..
being a mother yourself and the way u have uncompromised on your daughters right (ref : she was severly ill while you had been posted in goa;her right to seat in medical college) Would Appreciate Your opinion on same..
Neha Agarwal
Hi Kiran Bedi, it's amazing to see your blog. I wish i get an anwser...
You are a great woman!!!
How can i get your documentary "It's always possible"? I would like very much to see it. I'm a buddhist meditation practicioner from Portugal and it would be amazing to talk to you here in your blog.
hie avusa..
in all possibilities you should get the documentary in libraries..
its very unfortunate that lots of policemen in this country remain irresponsible towards all the atrocities committed in the society. A policeman should behave like a friend to the common public.They should help the people.A policeman is also an humanbeing.He does not have any horns.Most of the poloicemen think that they should be given respect. First of all they must learn to give respect to the public. Its very sad that a common man today feels afraid to go to a police station to file an FIR. If police station itself is like this,then where will people go to give their complaints.An FIR has to be filed about a police officer in his police station itself..:).. is it possible..???.. before recruiting police officers for different posts they must undergo classes on value education.Its much more important than giving training to use weapons.. we cannot remain complacent just bcoz some police officers like you have remained honest and have done a good job..its just 0.1% in the country..what about the remaining..Its a big question...:)
Namaste Ms. Bedi, I got to your blog, reading The Hindu today. Am a journalist with the same newspaper and have met you a couple of times and covered your programmes too. I have a blog on which I write on spirituality. I invite you to visit the site when you find time. I like your picture on the View Profile! And feels great to visit your blog.
I looked for your e-mail id, but couldn't find it. Mine is My blogs are Aham:
and .soulmate. : Thank you. Yours. Swahilya.
An admirable post, Ms Bedi. As a woman I greatly respect, I know that you are the right person to bring these facts before women. Domestic violence is so common in India, as is harassment from husband and in laws for money and valuables that most women, even urban educated women, seem to be accepting it as their lot. What is worse is that the instigator, as Rashmi's story shows, is very often the mother in law. Looking forward to more such informative posts on your blog.
dear mam,
im ranjini.i work as an english lecturer in amrita school of engineering in coimbatore.i would like to take part in your community activities.please suggest what i must do to be a part of your activities.looking forward to hear from u,
Kiran, my father knows you. His name is P.U Varghese, he was chief security officer of St. Stephen's Hospital in New Delhi while you were in charge of Tihar jail. Please feel free to contact me at
In the time of stolen identities and Fake IDs, it's hard to believe that this blog really belongs to such a great woman, but however seeing the issues addressed, it is probably the real one. And if it is so, it would be the greatest of privileges to interact with a woman adored by many and admired by millions. Getting a reply wouldn't just be a wonderful gift, but more than a treasure which is hard to find... Thanks.
Hello Madam,
Myself Neetal from Maharashtra.You had always been a source of inspiration for me.It is like dream come true for me to contact you through this blog bcoz i always dreamt of meeting you.
I am preparing for civil services.
i would like to know your views regarding your recent decision of taking voluntary retirement from service at the time when you are needed in the system.
Thanking You,
Dear Ma'am,
There is a big problem young people are faced with when they wish to marry against the wishes of their parents. There is virtually no legal safeguard to prevent their harassment by their parents and law-enforcers alike. Routinely, abduction cases are filed. The couple is forced to go to the local magistrate. They face attack inside court premises, sometimes it leads to the two being whisked away forcibly by their families, sometimes the girl is sent to the Nari Niketan, and then given into the custody of her parental family on court orders. Desperate need to create a mechanism to help these young adults. Please advise, since I know of at least two cases where I don't know how to proceed.
Hoping for your help.
Harish Dhawan
Reader in Economics
Ram Lal Anand College (Evening)
Benito Juarez Marg
New Delhi 110021
Phone: 9811667776
Dear Kiran Bedi,
It's pleasure interacting with you.
In India it's common practice with police to avoid recording the FIR. Things become more difficult with the uneducated,poor and downtrodden. I hope they can be helped by submitting the FIR on their behalf by some good citizens. The procedure for this may be posted in your website.
hello mam......u r my inspiration.waiting fr u articles always...........of late u havnt updated u r blog.awiting u r next blog..........
ओह ! इस ब्लॉग का लिखा जाना बन्द क्यूँकर हुआ ?
Dear Kiran Bedi,
Your this blog has great potential of becoming the'most wanted' blog. So its a request from many bloggers like me to restart posting on this blog. People are waiting for your valuable vision, comments, analyses on significant incidents happening in the society and going unnoticed. People want to read you. So please rise to the occasion and start posting again.
Dear Madam,
I had a chance to meet you during your recent corporate visit.
It was a child hood dream come true and I cannot tell you how privileged I felt to be a part of the audience addressed by you.
You have been my ideal since childhood and I have always aspired to be someone like you.
I really want to work under you for the betterment of the society and I too want to serve the people of my country. There is nothing more satisfying than being able to serve mankind. Please guide me .
I believe that no one other than oneself is a person's best friend and the most important inspuration comes from within. But at cross roads, everyone needs a little bi of external inspiration . And this blog provides a means of just that.
Please start posting again on this blog madam. Please do not deprive us of your wirds of wisdom and strength and awareness
Dear mame,
yor every word is true...
just true...
keep in touch with us...
we need u..
All india
& me also
ur fan
जन्माष्टमी पर सब सुनेगे क्रंदन
जन्म लेंगे जब देवकी नंदन
गोपियों संग होगी रास लीला
यशोदा पुत्र का होगा अभिनन्दन
कवि छिप बैठे छज्जे से सटके
गुप-चुप माखन खायेंगे डटके।
आदरणीय MADAM को जन्माष्टमी की शुभकामनाएं
Thank-you for all the work that you do for women in distress.
आदरणीय मैडम जी!
सादर ब्लॉगस्ते!
कृपया निमंत्रण स्वीकारें व अपुन के ब्लॉग सुमित के तडके (गद्य) पर पधारें। "एक पत्र आतंकवादियों के नाम" आपकी अमूल्य टिप्पणी हेतु प्रतीक्षारत है।
Dear M'aam,
May be more than the law is the need to understand what comes under abusive behavior. We all have mother in laws and sister in laws who deliberately insult us repeatedly but since it does not involve any physical abuse it is often told that you just bear it with smile and do not pay any heed. We have husbands who control the money very tightly and keep track of every penny and women dare not spend any without the proper permission. This is generally not considered abuse but is an accepted behavior of the ideal wife. I feel we need more open debates and discussions in schools and colleges and even TV channels to make women aware of their rights. Each and everyone of us have to talk about it in our home and in public and only we women can do it.
I am saying this because I got married at a very young age and lived and did as I was told to do by my mother in law, now after fifteen years of marriage I realised how wrongly we were treated when my brother in law got married and I saw it happening all over again with his wife. We were not allowed to open our windows for air during power cut we could not go out in verandas or roof even to spread the wet laundry for drying. we were not supposed to come out of our rooms if there was a guest sitting in the hall except if we were required to cook in the kitchen.
As I lived away with my husband where he worked (a sin for which I still have not been forgiven)I had to deal it twice a year for tow months maximum and I tolerated it. Now my brother in laws wife is expected to do the same and she is quoted our example I feel really bad and try my best to protect her when I am there. She is not that young so is able to manage it more efectively then me too but still I think its a wrong way to treat any human being.
Its not just us but so many girls in Bihar and UP have to face the same treatment day after day. Tey accept it and think its the right way to live. Anyone telling them otherwise is not exactly a favorite. I have felt a need for an open debate and may be counselling for girls regarding this issue. Its one thing to respect elders but totally diferent to tolerte such demands from them. After fifteen long years suddenly I have put my foot down but my heart stil misses a beat when I see the look in mother in law's eyes. Thats the extent of my fear. But now I wonder why fear why there is no surge of affection and love instead. I am educated though not financially independent if this is the case with me then what about million others. I want to find a way to change this. May be you can guide me in the right direction.
Respected madam,
really it's a very nice blog....we should say many many thanks to you because u have puted very true message in front of us.I have learnt something from this blog and i hope everbody whao had visited it have been learnt something.....No doubt you are very courageous woman but mam very few in the whole world like you, who makes courageous others, teach others "fight for your right", "take initiative yourself no body help u first" etc.etc....
You have taken voluntary retirement from police deptt. but still you r serving our nation in a best way through Safer India and through my favourite programme on meaw FM channel on every thursday.......
I was born n brought up in a small village of UP state and you can't imagine madam how much respect villagers have for you...........i can't explain it in the words only. I say proudly mam you deserve fot it......
When i listen your programme on meaw channel i get highly motivate.........
Pankaj rathore
Respected Mam,
I am a fan of yours since my childhood...Came through your blog and it is simply superb!!!
Respected Mam,
I grew watching you in news papers or hearing about u. Now I am a software consultant facing some family problems (lack of understanding). I want to get guide lines from you through e-mail. not through blogs. I would be very thankfull to you if I can get your e-mail address otherwise I don't know how long I can postpone either suiside or quitting the home my e-mail address is
Respected Mam,
I grew watching you in news papers or hearing about u. Now I am a software consultant facing some family problems (lack of understanding). I want to get guide lines from you through e-mail. not through blogs. I would be very thankfull to you if I can get your e-mail address otherwise I don't know how long I can postpone either suiside or quitting the home my e-mail address is
Hello Ms. Bedi,
I feel grateful to god for creating a person like u to whom we can turn to when we are facing social problems.
I am unmarried, and will soon be a senior citizen. I do not have a child, and I dont exactly feel I can look after one, as I am genetically tardy, and throughout my service life I could barely make my two ends meet. And our family environment was not conducive.
All I did was plan and plan so that when I retired, I would not be financially a burden on anybody. Throughout my forties, colleagues were teasing me, u dont have children, why do u need so much, why dont u give it to us, or why dont u adopt my daughter (please note - it is always their daughter that they wanted to give away) - and they didnt take kindly to me liking the watchman's child - it was always their child that deserved. I quit my job at the earliest opportunity as I didnt want such teasing to depress me any further. I did retaliate, for otherwise, by now I would have committed suicide. I told my colleagues that I would have considered adopting their daughter had she been good looking, and such stuff. I knew I was hurting. But I did warn those people not to talk like that, and still they used to ignore my requests, so I had to take the cruel way out. Recent laws for maintenance of childless senior citizens has me worried. I cannot manage within 10,000. So I arranged that I will get adequate for my food clothing shelter and medicines till the end of my life, with comforts like net, and television, and air conditions. Apart from this, I have also provided some amount for the person who will be shuttling between hospitals for me, should the need arise. This is because somebody would be sparing their time for me, and in process may be missing out on a promotion or two.
But the amendments make it obligatory for my relatives to look after me. One of my uncles molested me at the age of 5 and a half. Does he have a right to look after me?
And another uncle and his son beat me up for money at the age of 27. Even my father has been beaten up by this drunkard uncle for money. This is the same uncle to whom my father sent his savings throughout his service, to the extent that we came to a stage we didnt have enough to eat. I walked to and fro from office in the initial stages of my service to make two ends meet. Its just a coincidence that things have looked up for us after recent real estate boom. These properties were all in dispute at one time, and they were bought so far out from city that people used to laugh at us. I have also taken loans from banks and struggled to pay them, and am still paying them. I have not taken a naya paisa from my drunkard uncle or his sons, but if the amounts that he took from my father were to be compounded by 9 percent per annum, it would be well over 30 lakhs. My drunkard uncle is dead, and I am not going to say I am sorry. But the sister of the uncle who molested me is desperately trying to reconcile our families. At the risk of sounding paranoid, I feel she would like to share the spoils, once the drunkard uncle's children get a chance to beat us up. This aunt was very cruel with my mother when my mother was alive. That is the reason for distrust I guess.
Why is it obligatory for me to take help only from relatives and legal heirs? I have made alternative arrangements which would give me greater peace and I would be able to leave everybody in peace. And what is the guarantee that I have that these people will not beat me up, thereby making me incapable of looking after myself, and after incapacitating me, they will take possession of my properties and spare me just 10,000 whereas my properties would fetch at least twice that much. Is it not infringement of my rights to hold properties? Is it not infringement of my right to select the right person as caregiver? Is it not going to make me vulnerable to physical abuse? Shouldnt lawmakers consider such aspects as well? It hurts when relatives tease - ur properties are going to come to us anyway.
These people were never there when I was struggling through life. Why must I end up giving anything to them? When so many serials show that relatives are often cruel, why is mandatory that I accept them? Can u help madam?
Please let me know what procedure I should follow to safeguard myself and my interests.
And if possible please help in getting a law in place that prevents unmarried and childless women being teased. Its really humiliating experience being told u dont have children.
Thanking you.
Best regards,
We are a group of students from BMS Institute of Technology, Bangalore. We have been truly moved both by your ideals, actions and your achievements both in the real and virtual worlds. Our institution is bringing out the 2009 edition of its annual college magazine MANTHANA and it would be an honour to us if the foremost page of the magazine bore a message from you. We request you to kindly pen a sentence or few to motivate a thousand young minds who will read the magazine. We can be reached at
With warm regards,
Akshatha Hegde
on behalf of student editorial committee
BMS Institute of Technology
Hi Mam,
i am proud of you. may God give you more and more strenth every day.
Bobby Dixit
Dear Ma'am,
It is very ironical to see people getting isolated on certain social issues. I feel that has been the norm due to our faulty educational system which does not teach the common man to take any social responsibility.We as individuals must aspire do do this and derive some self belief and confidence from people like you. Jai Hind.
Dear Ma'm
Ihave some personal problems which i want to discuss wuth you . I knoe for sure that there is a solution for that but could not find it as yet. I need your help and guidance.If i will get your assurence i will dare to write to you ma'm . Looking forward to your help
with regards
seema bhardwaj
PO BOX 14868
madam i m rao sultana i m ur fan from the chilhood now u r solving lots of prob of womens , i m facing a big problam about to surch my identity of myself in front of a big organijation .i need ur help plz mail me ur email id n contact no .
Dear Maam,
I have been a fan of yours since the day my father spoke of you, explaining the reason as to why you were named as 'DANDA BEDI'.Ever since then I have followed every news related to your life. You are an inspiration to all the women.
In Tihar jail India Yoga is experimented among the inmates and found successful. Their criminal mentality is changed. This study aimed at investigating the effect of Vipassana Meditation (VM) on Quality of Life (QOL), Subjective Well-Being (SWB), and Criminal Propensity (CP) among inmates of Tihar Jail,
Delhi. To this effect the following hypotheses were formulated. 1. There will be a significant positive effect of VM on the QOL of inmates of Tihar jail. 2. VM will have a positive and significant effect on SWB of inmates. 3. Criminal propensity (CP) of inmates will decrease significantly after attending the VM course. 4. There will be significant difference in SWB and CP of experimental (Vipassana) group and control (non-Vipassana) group. 5. Male and female inmates will differ significantly in SWB and CP, as a result of VM. In the famous "Time" magazine the importance meditation and yoga, an ancient Indian system, is high-lighted that the ancient mind- and spirit-enhancing art is becoming increasingly popular and gaining medical legitimacy. It is a multi billion dollar business in US. In many Universities it is accepted as subject and included in the Syllabus. In the latest famous book "Inspire! What Great Leaders Do" written by Mr.Lance Secretan recently published by John Wiley and sons, the benefit of meditation is elaborately described for good corporate governance. By practicing transcendental meditation, or TM, many people have got relief from back pain, neck pain, depression. The mind calms and quiets, . What thoughts you have during meditation become clearer, more focused. Anger, anxiety and worries give way to a peace. In the world exorbitant medical expenses one can definitely make use of meditation. Maharshi Mahesh Yogi and Sri Ravi Sankar are popularizing this. The Iyengar Yoga institute in US is famous. Food habits should be to keep mind and body in pace. one can get more than enough protein and other essential nutrients by eating a balanced vegetarian diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, dairy products, nuts and seeds. A vegan diet (without dairy products) is also adequate, as long as you eat enough protein-rich wholegrains, legumes, nuts and seeds. In any case, your body will "tell" you what you need to eat. If you have a particular craving for any type of food, it may mean that you need the nutrients that it supplies – so trust the natural signals your body gives you .
In Tihar jail India Yoga is experimented among the inmates and found successful. Their criminal mentality is changed. This study aimed at investigating the effect of Vipassana Meditation (VM) on Quality of Life (QOL), Subjective Well-Being (SWB), and Criminal Propensity (CP) among inmates of Tihar Jail,
Delhi. To this effect the following hypotheses were formulated. 1. There will be a significant positive effect of VM on the QOL of inmates of Tihar jail. 2. VM will have a positive and significant effect on SWB of inmates. 3. Criminal propensity (CP) of inmates will decrease significantly after attending the VM course.
Namaste kiran bediji...!!!
Need help: Atleast read my prblm 1nce.
I have a sister married since 4 yrs...initially it was good but after 1 yr of marriage things started to change. She started helping her husband in his accounts of the business he owns,being a arts student she had no knwldge of it,obviously she commited mistakes. He started scolding her and abusing her,still she tried to do her wrk
Still she committed mistakes and things got bad 2 worse. He started beating her. They have a joint family if any one commits ne mistake al d blames goes to her head. Today unexpected happened, he came 2 my ofc were i wrk wid my sis nd told me to take her bck 2 my home. My parents live far away in sm oder state so they cn only talk thru phne.
I want 2 knw hw shld i handle this situation from were can i get me a way plz i beg u...nd this is only a part of many things that has happned. I cnt write evry thing here. My sis i s nt willing to cme alng wid me fearing repution and his husband is nt willing to keep her...plz help me plz...wat shld i do i jst cnt see her dreadful me a way...HELP
Still she committed mistakes and things got bad 2 worse. He started beating her. They have a joint family if any one commits ne mistake al d blames goes to her head. Today unexpected happened, he came 2 my ofc were i wrk wid my sis nd told me to take her bck 2 my home. My parents live far away in sm oder state so they cn only talk thru phne.
I want 2 knw hw shld i handle this situation from were can i get me a way plz i beg u...nd this is only a part of many things that has happned. I cnt write evry thing here. My sis i s nt willing to cme alng wid me fearing repution and his husband is nt willing to keep her...plz help me plz...wat shld i do i jst cnt see her dreadful me a way...HELP
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